Monday, September 18, 2006

Week 12 – Sleeping on Your Back!

I just had to take the time to discuss what an amazing young man you are. Since you were about two weeks old you have only slept in your car seat, swing or bouncer. At night, we actually place the car seat on top of the bassinette in our room so you aren’t on the floor (too many licks from Eco) and you get to benefit from the vibration mode on the bassinette. I always joke that I have the only kid with a snooze alarm. As soon as you start to stir in the morning I hit the vibrate button. It puts you back to sleep for ten minutes! You and I can do this routine for upwards of an hour sometimes! I have wanted to get you to sleep on your back since this first started and have been mildly successful. Usually I have to let you fall asleep in your car seat, let you sleep for two hours and then put you in your bassinette. I’ve been getting frustrated and, jokingly, have been wondering if you could just solve this problem yourself. Well you did! Yesterday, for the first could just solve this problem yourself. Well you did! Yesterday, for the first time ever, you fell asleep on your back while playing in your Baby Einstein gym (of course Eco was lying on your legs and taking a nap as well!). Since then, you have slept on your back at night and for naps (except for your 5 am to 8 am shift). Declan Francis – you are the most amazing young man! The other day Daddy asked me if I liked being a mom. I told him I liked being YOUR mom. You make this easy!

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